Can I Learn CPR Online?

E-learning, or learning through computer based education, is a relatively new idea. Like any new idea of significance, e-learning faces skepticism from many in the education field. CPR (BLS) training providers are more skeptical than most, possibly due to the fact that some feel this type of learning method threatens their livelihood.

Despite this skepticism, e-learning offers many educational advantages to students and professionals who need to learn or refresh their ability to perform CPR. Understanding this starts with understanding how people learn.

People learn through four primary methods: reading, watching, listening, and doing. While different people have a primary method that they learn best through, having multiple methods available provides the best learning experience.

CPR e-learning has very distinct advantages for the reading, watching, and listening learning methods. ProTrainings (ProCPR) training is video-based e-learning that is broken up into small bite-sized segments that are topic based. This video medium allows students to experience 1-on-1 training with a highly skilled instructor on his best training day. Since videos can be rewound, stopped, and restarted, this type of training is able to be flawlessly consistent while being adaptable to the student’s pace of learning. Instead of adapting to the instructor’s logistical capabilities, the student is now able to choose their ideal learning environment and begin at a time he or she is mentally prepared for the training.

E-learning allows text, visuals, and audio to be customized and tied together in a way that would be impossible for a classroom setting to replicate. This provides online CPR training a distinct advantage in those three learning style categories. However, skeptics often bring up issues such as students shirking or cheating, and the lack of hands-on practice for a hands-on skill such as CPR.

E-learning does provide checks to limit cheating and ensure student competency. In addition, hands-on practice does not have as drastic an effect on the performance of CPR as some would think. Thus, the lack of hands-on practice does not negate the other advantages that e-learning provides.

In summary, not only can a student learn CPR online, but he/she can learn it effectively enough to be confident should the time ever come to use it. If you don’t believe us, then view live, un-edited testimonials of our customers. Ultimately, we urge you to use our freely accessible course and decide for yourself if online CPR training is right for you.

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