The ABCs of CPR

CPR is a crucial skill that everyone should know how to perform – not just medical professionals. You never know when disaster might strike and how long it may take first responders to arrive and, often, the chances of a successful rescue depend on a knowledgeable bystander knowing when and how to take action.

Some people have a difficult time remembering how to perform CPR and those who do may need help recalling the order in which they should go about doing the procedure. If you are one of those people, don’t worry! There is a useful way to remember what you should do and how you should do it when it comes to CPR.

Let’s get into the ABCs of CPR so you have the tools you need to be a hero in a life or death situation.

What is CPR?

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation or CPR is a technique used to keep blood circulating through the body as the heart isn’t pumping effectively, getting oxygen to the body and brain. Learning CPR is recommended for everyone, not just those with training in the medical field.

How do you prepare to perform CPR?

Before you begin performing CPR, there are some steps you should take to make sure the person really needs it and to make sure they have the best chance of survival. They are:

What are the ABCs of CPR?

After you have determined that you need to perform CPR, it’s time to follow the procedure and follow it as closely as possible. Enter the ABCs of CPR. Okay, it’s actually CAB: Compressions, Airway, Breathing. Let’s look at each one more closely.

Compressions: Restore circulation

Chest compressions allow you to manually pump blood through the heart to the rest of the body. Blood circulation is vital to keep all organs from dying, including the brain. If the brain dies, a person does not recover.

Airway: Open the person’s airway

Those who are properly trained in CPR should perform rescue breaths as well as chest compressions. You do this by opening the airway. Here’s how:

Breathing: Perform rescue breaths

Rescue breaths are when you manually breathe for the person you are helping. Here’s how you do it:

Do the CPR ABCs work on children and infants?

For children between age one and puberty, follow almost the same protocol when performing CPR as you would for adults. The major difference is hand placement. If the child is very young or on the smaller side, only use the heel of one hand. Be gentle as children are more fragile than the average adult.

For infants, remember the ABCs but make a few changes. Instead of using a whole hand, use two or three fingers to compress the chest. Only compress down to about 1.5 inches instead of two because babies are smaller and more delicate.

Where can you get CPR certified?

Though anyone can attempt CPR, it’s always better to receive the proper training. Even people who have a very tight schedule can get CPR certified in no time! You can take CPR classes from the comfort of your home by enrolling in one of ProCPR’s programs. You don’t even have to pay unless you pass and need your certificate. There’s nothing to lose and, who knows, you might end up saving someone’s life one day.

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