The Difference between Lay Rescuer CPR and Professional CPR

Lay Rescuer vs Professional Rescuer

There are different types of CPR.

Healthcare Provider BLS/CPR (Professional Rescuer)

Healthcare Provider CPR, which is commonly referred to as Basic Life Support (BLS), means that you will have training in adult, child, and infant CPR/AED for 1 and 2 rescuers. You will learn how to check for a pulse and how to give rescue breathing for a person who has a pulse, but is not breathing. You will also use a bag valve mask and a rescue mask to give ventilation. Healthcare provider CPR is most often required for anyone who is licensed to provide care. The ProCPR certification is a Healthcare Provider level certification.

Lay Rescuer CPR

Lay Rescuer CPR is much more simplified. In lay rescuer, you may do adult only CPR/AED or adult, child, and infant CPR/AED. Also, lay rescuers do not check for a pulse. Lay rescuers also only learn 1 person CPR. We offer certification in ProFirstAid (adult, child, infant) and ProFirstAid Basic (adult only). Lay rescuer CPR is most often needed for teachers, construction workers, general workplace, etc.

You most likely will need to do our blended course which includes a hands-on skill evaluation. If your employer will accept a 100% online course for re-certification, you can do that as well at our website. You can go to to complete your training and certification.

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