CPR Guidelines – The Procedure and Steps Everyone Should Know

CPR Guidelines

In an emergency, you may need to perform CPR on someone until first responders or paramedics arrive. You need to act fast and there might not be time to pull out your phone and look up a guide but maybe that’s the best you can do in the moment. If you aren’t sure what you’d do in the moment, you’ve come to the right place!

We’re going to cover basic CPR guidelines and how to practice safe CPR methods on both adults and children. Stick around and you’ll be better prepared to save a life in no time.

What is CPR?

CPR or cardiopulmonary resuscitation is an emergency intervention performed by compressing the chest in short bursts when a person’s heart stops beating. It keeps the blood flowing to the brain until emergency services arrive and take over. If CPR is begun as soon as the heart stops beating effectively, your intervention could drastically raise the person’s chances of survival.

When should you use CPR?

There are certain situations in which CPR is the most appropriate and effective intervention. CPR should be performed if an adult is not breathing at all or if a child/infant is not breathing normally. Other occasions when you should consider CPR are:

When should you not use CPR?

The rules for this are simple. You should not use CPR if:

Performing CPR in any of these circumstances may cause more damage which may lower their chances of survival. If other interventions are appropriate, they should be used first. CPR is a last resort reserved only for serious emergencies.

What are the basic steps of CPR?

In an emergency, you should use these steps to perform CPR:

How should you place your hand on a person’s chest when performing CPR?

When performing CPR, hand placement depends on the person’s age.

Important factors to remember

Below are the key things to remember when it comes to performing CPR.

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