At ProTrainings, our mission is to provide you with trustworthy and accurate information about CPR and related topics so you’re prepared to save a life in the event of an emergency. We use an established Editorial Process to ensure we’re giving you the best possible information.
Every article we write adheres to the 3 pillars of our editorial process.
Trustworthy content
Our articles are trustworthy, accurate, and evidence-based.
We follow the latest guidelines for CPR issued by the American Heart Association and ECC/ILCOR, so you can have confidence that what you’re reading is based on the latest and best scientific studies and evidence.
We’re aware the journey is different for everyone, so we stand for inclusivity and empathy. We’re here — free of judgment — for everyone seeking better health.
Reviewed by experts
Our editorial team consists of both lay people and medical professionals. We strive to ensure all our articles follow the latest guidelines and are medically accurate. After an article has been reviewed by a medical professional, that person is listed as a co-author so you can be confident that it is accurate.
Regularly updated
The medical community regularly reviews the science to determine the best practices for CPR. The recommendations change from time to time, which causes content to become outdated.
At ProTrainings, we continually monitor and update our content to make sure we’re sharing the most up-to-date and accurate information possible. Our sites are reviewed and updated whenever the guidelines change.
Whenever a piece of content is modified, it receives a new “last updated” date so you will know that it has been changed. The modifications may include corrections of minor inaccuracies, addition of new information, replacement of images and sources, or any other change made to improve the value of the content.